Classroom Kit for Paper Making - Customized

Classroom Kit for Paper Making - Customized
Educators, make recycled paper in your classroom and pay for only what you want and need. In the spirit of recycling - there's no waste!
At Wooden Deckle we believe strongly in good stewardship of the earth, and we are solidly behind your efforts to teach the importance of recycling to your students. We'd like to help in any way we can.
Here's how this recycled papermaking kit can be customized for your classroom:
You choose at least four mold and deckles* of your choice, at 5% off (the Classic 5x7, the Notecard, the Square, the Bookmark, or the Business Card and Gift Tag Set)
And receive the following, free of charge:
One free "second quality" 5x7" or 5x5" mold and deckle
Our illustrated Instruction booklet complete with papermaking recipes
Couching (drying) sheets, sponges, and sample papermaking inclusions
Classroom set up tips, papermaking lesson plan ideas, and sample discussion questions
Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and let us know how we can serve you.
*excluding our Quadruple mold and deckle