Quadruple quick

Quadruple quick

handmade-paper-business cards

With record setting warm temperatures in Wisconsin the past few days windows and doors were open while restocking my supply of 2x3" handmade paper for our Wooden Deckle business cards

I recycled some outdated medical office stationary and embellished with snippets of raffia and jute twine to add natural looking fibers. To add color, I used a bit of embroidery floss, bakers twine, and just a faint pinch of glitter.  The whole process went really fast with the quadruple mold and deckle - over 120 2x3"  sheets of recycled handmade paper business cards in less an hour and a half, including visiting with new neighbors. 

Happy creating!


From bad to good

From bad to good

Make love last...

Make love last...